
We publish the third Newsletter of the European project In2C

We publish the third Newsletter of the European project In2C

The third Newsletter of the European project In2C (Integration of Third Country Nationals in the Construction Sector) is now available where you will find the latest news and progress of the project.

This third Newsletter is marked by the current situation related to Covid-19. A new scenario to which the project partners must adapt, seeking new ways of working to continue advancing in the different programmed actions.

In the Newsletter you will find information related to the Focus Group held in the 4 partner countries to assess the training materials that will be offered to the TCNs participating in the project. In addition, this Newsletter publishes news related to the progress in work packages (WP) 4, 5, 6 and 7, and with the next steps to follow.

The European In2C project aims to integrate immigrants into the Construction Sector and for this an innovative methodology is being finalized based on a Training Package (Technical Vocabulary, Terminological Glossary, Labor Legislation and Occupational Health and Safety) on-site and online, through the SOnAT platform, which wants to be a meeting point between employers and TCNs looking for a job opportunity in the Sector.

To learn more and stay informed, click on the following link:

Third Newsletter In2C