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International Labor Organization

The ILO Global Database on Occupational Safety and Health Legislation (LEGOSH) provides a picture of the regulatory framework of the main elements of OSH legislation, including OSH management and administration, employers’ duties and obligations, workers’ rights and duties, OSH inspection and enforcement, among others. LEGOSH classification structure is based on a comprehensive set of 11 themes which follows and captures the main part of the key ILO standards such as the ILO Convention No.155 on Occupational Safety and Health (1981) and the Recommendation N°164, Convention No.187 on the Promotional framework for occupational safety and health (2006), the Labor Inspection Convention C081 and other technical Conventions as benchmarks.



It is the European Union information agency for occupational safety and health. Its work contributes to the European Commission’s Strategic Framework for Safety and Health at work 2014-2020, and other relevant EU strategies and programmes, such as Europe 2020.